The introduction of Electronic Work Diaries or EWDs has transformed the transport industry forever! The future for Australian truck driver safety, is very bright, thanks to the formation of an EWD standard.
Q-EWD is Quallogi’s Electronic Work Diary, designed to help Drivers manage their fatigue, keep safe on the roads and have less stress, by removing the complexity that comes with managing fatigue U using paper. At Quallogi we recognise the importance of making the transition from a Written Work Diary (WWD) to an EWD. We believe truck drivers have enough on their plate and don’t need to be wasting more time and energy to learn something new, if it's too laborious or there is no value.
Q-EWD is a simple mobile app, designed by drivers for drivers - tailored to drivers’ needs and giving the drivers full control of their fatigue safety and more importantly their data.

The design of the. Q-EWD interface makes it easy for drivers to understand and complete shift and rest times. The forced workflow means drivers hours are recorded correctly and inside the guidelines of the law. The automatic time trapping and notification system of Q, helps limit and control risks and breaches by telling the driver when they need to rest or when they can resume a shift. Can it be any easier or more rewarding than doing your work for maximum productivity and safety?
Q-EWD keeps improving every day through our one to one engagements with the owner driver and fleet markets. And the more you use it the better it gets! Our research,development and improvement never stops and it's fair to say basic telematics might becoming redundant!
For example, we found that one thing drivers have been apprehensive about is their inability to change records in an EWD if they made a mistake or missed information.
So, at Quallogi we have recognised this and made sure drivers have the ability to edit information before submitting each shift. Our happy customers confirm that this change gives drivers the ability to change legitimate records without the ability to falsify records.
Having constant access to the data puts the driver back in control, making a simple process to send off a driver's records to a 3rd party directly from the app through a few simple clicks. It's just like sending a yellow slip except much easier and extremely accurate.
We have taken it upon ourselves to create an app tailored specifically for truck drivers. We hope that Q-EWD will make it easier for all drivers to keep track of their records and have peace in knowing they are compliant. When compliance is made so simple - why wouldn’t you join the ride? Call us now on 03 9784 9494