Q-Safe covers all your fatigue and compliance needs.
Combining Q-start and Q-Safe, gives you the complete safety package to hit the road. Using Q from the start of your journey through to the end will give you the peace of mind to drive without breaches and potential fines.

Q-Safe has you covered
- Custom Prestarts
- Driver Declarations
- Fault reports
- Photos
- Signatures
- Licensing information
Q-Safe covers all your rule sets, including Standard and Basic Fatigue Management (BFM)! Meaning Q covers you no matter what!
Q is also available on Android and iOS devices with agnostic approval - We can approve your device ensuring it meets NHVR requirements.
No need to purchase a new device, just use the phone in your pocket!
Keeping all your fatigue and CoR records in the one app will save you time and stress. So give the pen, paper and ruler the flick and just get on the road!
Gain control and confidence with Q - Try Q today.