When you begin working as a truck driver it can feel exciting and scary all at once. But let's be honest, driving a truck is going to be different to any job you had before! At Quallogi we understand that taking the leap can be hard, so we have outlined five common mistakes to avoid to make that transition easy:
Once you are on the road it can be tricky to pull over with your truck at the shops and pick up something you forgot. To drive more comfortably, you will need to have everything with you - from your safety equipment to your creature comforts, including drinking water, favourite snacks and pair of sunnies.
Safety will be one of the most important and talked about parts of your job. After all, you are driving around in up to 100 tonnes of metal and cargo! It is your responsibility to ensure you meet all your safety obligations including Loading and Fatigue compliance. It is also important that you not only follow guidelines but document things correctly. Documentation can ensure that in the horrible case of an accident you have yourself covered.
Using an electronic logbook (or Electronic Work Diary (EWD)) is the simplest way to manage your fatigue hours. Truck driving can be stressful enough as it is without worrying about NHVR officers and fatigue breaches. Get real time voice alerts of when to rest and resume work. This removes the need for complicated calculations and reduces potential errors and fines.
Truck driving is not for the faint of heart. It can be exhausting being away from family and friends. It can also be demanding and stressful. If you are looking for an easy and relaxing job, this is not it. But…Truck driving can be rewarding and give you the freedom to see our great country but it can definitely have its drawbacks so make sure you are prepared for the real world of truck driving!
Expect the unexpected. Being on the road you can come across a range of challenging situations. Ensuring you have all the safety equipment to tackle any situation is key. If you are unsure if you have everything you need, make sure to check out our list of the 10 things every truck driver needs to have in their cabin:
If you need any more information about Electronic Work Diaries and how they can help you in your journey to truck driving please give us a call on 03 9784 9494